It’s one thing to hear good music, but it’s a whole other thing when you genuinely feel the music’s energy running through you. Soulful production and honest lyricism are the strong touchpoints of EP I Think I’m Ready from Commonwealth artist RobV, making it one of those multi-layered experiences affecting your ears and heart.
Hailing from the place dubbed “Virginia’s musical melting pot,” it makes sense he incorporates an old school feel and sounds with new school energy. There’s no shot of one saying he’s carried by his beats though, as he packs every track with hard-hitting bars and memorable phrases.
“Still Dreamin'” is an inspirational opener, dedicated to those who are getting it out of the mud however they have to. It kicks off with a voicemail from a close friend of his, showing love to his music because it’s actually good and he doesn’t have to lie about it. Real thing. Rob clearly feels personally connected to everyone around his hood, acknowledging the routes they often go in order to make the things happen they strive for. “I’m just another nigga with a dollar and a dream.” He’s not better than any of them and identifies with the grind. “Just make sure you keep dreamin’, my niggas.”
“God Knows I’m Ready” unashamedly displays the artist’s faith, expressing how he’s spoken to God about his preparedness. Often times people try to take control of their futures instead of acknowledging the higher being in their lives already has a plan set out for them. This message he received from his deity confirms his time is indeed coming and he feels it too. It’s a brief interlude feel, but a powerful message nonetheless.
The young talent brings an impressive level of self-awareness, evident in the way he grinds. It’s not about the antics or clout but producing solid music that all can relate to. His local area shows a lot of love, and now it’s all about continuity and expanding his core. This EP, for me, is just the beginning. Stay solid.
Check out I Think I’m Ready by RobV below.