Earl Sweatshirt seems to be notorious for releasing albums when you least expect it. Dropping music under his own time, the fans have become accustomed to his release schedule, but would rather digest music from him on a more regular basis. Just when you thought Earl was finished or isn’t that lyrical monster you remember him for being, he drops one of his better projects in a while. Spanning with 7 tracks, ‘Feet Of Clay’ reminds us of the Earl we fell in love with during the ‘Doris’ album days. Earl hasn’t lost a step, with the use of his witty bars and the type of grammar we wouldn’t think of during a normal conversation. Some would say listening to Earl is like reading a novel with a crazy plot twist. This album is what the game needed currently, a sophisticated and effortless sound. There’s guest appearances from two other rappers, Mach-Hommy of New Jersey and Mavi of North Carolina. The whole tape was produced by Earl himself except for ‘MTOMB’ (produced by The Alchemist) and ‘EL TORO COMBO MEAL ft. MAVI (produced by ovrkast.)
My personal favorites: EL TORO COMBO MEAL ft. MAVI, 74, EAST
Stream ‘Feet Of Clay’ now:
Instagram: @soapmanwun
Twitter: @earlxsweat